



(Marina) β€œthe paper about the fried egg πŸ³β€

(Marina) β€œthe paper about the fried egg πŸ³β€

Levitation, oscillations, and wave propagation in a stratified fluid

(Marina) a simple experiment in a stratified fluid made with everyday objects

How Archer Fish Achieve a Powerful Impact: Hydrodynamic Instability of a Pulsed Jet in Toxotes jaculatrix

(Marina) Archer Fish

(Marina) Optimal leap angle of legged and legless insects in a landscape of uniformly distributed random obstacles

(Marina) Optimal leap angle of legged and legless insects in a landscape of uniformly distributed random obstacles

(Rebecca) Measuring actual learning versus feeling of learning in response to being actively engaged in the classroom


Newton's Laws Learning Targets and Common "Misconceptions":

When Active Learning Is Inequitable: Women's Participation Predicts Gender Inequities in Mathematical Performance

(Fun man) "When Active Learning Is Inequitable:...”

Availability of cookies during an academic course session affects evaluation of teaching - PubMed

(Audrey) Another publication that seems controversial

(Claire) For those interested and already teaching sustainability/climate change/environment issue, there is a special issue of AJP coming up : submissions by Nov. 30.

(Claire) For those interested and already teaching sustainability/climate change/environment issue, there is a special issue of AJP coming up : submissions by Nov. 30.

(Martin) I would like to share with you a Resource Letter just published in AJP, about Mobile devices and sensors for physics teaching. Hope it could be useful.

(Martin) I would like to share with you a Resource Letter just published in AJP, about Mobile devices and sensors for physics teaching. Hope it could be useful.